Nanokarb is a patented, environmentally-friendly, and cost-effective carbonaceous additive designed for use in the foundry industry. It's a ground-breaking solution that brings significant improvements in the green sand molding process by replacing conventional additives like coaldust and other lustrous carbon additives (LCA). The unique properties of Nanokarb result in a superior surface finish for castings, reduced casting rejections, and decreased bentonite consumption. Furthermore, by mitigating the combustion process inherent in traditional additives, Nanokarb contributes to substantial CO2 emission reductions, supporting foundries in their sustainability efforts.

Nanokarb is a carbonaceous additive that works by altering the behaviour of the sand mould during the casting process. Unlike conventional additives like coal dust or LCA, which burn at lower temperatures causing a chain of reactions that can negatively affect the casting quality, Nanokarb has a much higher ignition temperature.

This means Nanokarb does not combust readily during the casting process, eliminating the adverse chain reactions and ensuring a stable mould temperature. This not only leads to a better surface finish on the castings but also reduces the bentonite and coal dust/LCA consumption due to its improved efficiency. Furthermore, since Nanokarb replaces a larger quantity of conventional additives, it indirectly contributes to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions.

To add Nanokarb to your system, you simply need to introduce it at a miniscule addition rate of 0.075% per batch. You will not need to alter or change your existing raw materials. As the efficiency of your system improves with the use of Nanokarb, you'll automatically notice an increase in LOI and Active Clay, leading to a decrease in the consumption of coal dust/LCA and bentonite.

Absolutely! While the per kg price of Nanokarb might be higher than traditional additives like coal dust or LCA, it's crucial to consider its superior effectiveness and efficiency. With just 1 kg of Nanokarb, you're replacing 2 kg of coal dust or LCA and reducing bentonite usage by at least 10%. Plus, with every 1 kg of Nanokarb used, you're saving Rs. 8.5 in direct raw material costs.

Beyond the raw material cost savings, Nanokarb also reduces rejections and improves casting quality, which results in significant operational savings. The lower CO2 emissions may also qualify your foundry for carbon credits or other environmental incentives, providing further financial benefits.

So, in terms of overall cost-effectiveness, Nanokarb provides a clear advantage by increasing process efficiency, reducing waste and rejections, and offering environmental benefits.

Nanokarb's environmental friendliness stems from its unique properties and the way it interacts with heat within the foundry process.

For starters, 1 kg of Nanokarb replaces 2 kg of traditional additives like coal dust or LCA which, when burned, release about 3.6 kgs of CO2 per kg. Nanokarb does not combust in the same manner, greatly reducing CO2 emissions. To put it in perspective, every 6 kg of Nanokarb used reduces CO2 emissions equivalent to what a full-grown tree sequesters in a year.

Moreover, Nanokarb's high heat tolerance (up to 400°C and beyond) prevents the exothermic reactions that occur with traditional additives, thus limiting the evaporation of water. This curtails the greenhouse effect that's associated with water vapor and contributes to an overall reduction in the foundry's carbon footprint.

To top it all, Nanokarb's efficient performance and reduction in waste also mean fewer resources are consumed per casting, further accentuating its environmental benefits.

Nanokarb has a significant positive impact on casting quality. It primarily works in two ways to enhance the quality:

Improved Surface Finish: Nanokarb's unique properties yield a phenomenal improvement in the surface finish of castings. This means smoother, more professional-looking castings straight out of the mould, reducing the need for post-casting finish work.

Reduced Defects and Rejections: By optimizing the thermal properties of the moulding sand, Nanokarb helps to mitigate common casting defects such as scabs, metal penetration, and fusion. This results in a higher yield of successful, defect-free castings from each mould, reducing the rate of casting rejections and the associated waste and rework.

Therefore, using Nanokarb not only produces better quality castings, but also increases the overall efficiency and productivity of your foundry operations.

Incorporating Nanokarb into your foundry operations is a seamless process. Here are the steps you can follow:

Consultation: Reach out to our team for a personalized consultation. We'll understand your current processes, needs, and goals in order to guide you effectively.

Trial Phase: We recommend starting with a trial phase, where you introduce Nanokarb at a small percentage (0.075% per batch is typically sufficient). Monitor the outcomes closely and compare the casting quality, sand properties, and cost-effectiveness with your regular operations.

Adjustment: Based on the results from the trial phase, adjustments can be made to the quantity of Nanokarb used. Remember, you don't need to make drastic changes to your existing raw material ratios, since Nanokarb works to enhance your process without major upheaval.

Regular Use: Once you are satisfied with the results and observe the tangible benefits, you can switch to regular use of Nanokarb in your foundry operations.

Throughout the process, our team will be available for continuous support and to answer any questions you might have. We aim to make your transition to Nanokarb as smooth and beneficial as possible.

Unlike traditional carbon additives, Nanokarb does not combust at temperatures below 400°C and even at temperatures as high as 925°C, less than 10% of it burns. However, rather than negatively impacting your casting process, this characteristic of Nanokarb can offer significant benefits.

The exothermic combustion of traditional carbon additives like coal dust, which can ignite even before molten metal comes in contact with the mould, sets off a chain reaction that heats up even the backing sand. This rise in temperature can result in water evaporation, thereby hindering the performance of bentonite and potentially affecting the casting quality.

Nanokarb mitigates this chain reaction, preventing unnecessary temperature spikes in your mould. This ensures the performance of your bentonite is preserved and improves the quality of your casting. It's important to highlight here that Nanokarb only curtails the chain reaction caused by the combustion of coal dust or LCA. It does not interfere with the properties of the liquid metal or affect the cooling rate of the castings, ensuring the integrity of your casting process is maintained.

Additionally, the reduced combustion leads to lower carbon dioxide emissions, making your casting process more environmentally friendly. So, while the non-combustive nature of Nanokarb might seem to represent a change from the traditional process, it indeed enhances your casting operation, improving quality, reducing costs, and lowering your environmental impact.

Understandably, you have a tried-and-true mix that has been optimized over years, and any changes to this could be concerning. However, with Nanokarb, we're asking you to make a minimal addition of just 0.075% per batch without changing your existing raw materials.

Moreover, our proprietary AI-powered software can create a digital twin of your foundry sand system. This allows us to simulate the impact of introducing Nanokarb into your specific mix and predict the outcomes. We'll provide you with exact deliverables and a timeline that you can hold us accountable for.

If, for instance, the software predicts an increase in active clay after six circulations of using Nanokarb and this doesn't occur, you can stop using the product without any issues. But if it works as predicted, you will naturally continue usage as you start seeing the benefits.

With this data-driven approach, we aim to eliminate uncertainties and ensure you that Nanokarb can seamlessly integrate with your current operations and bring about significant improvements.

Absolutely! We have a range of case studies from foundries worldwide showcasing improved casting quality and reduction in rejections. These can be shared upon request to provide evidence of Nanokarb's performance.

The timeline to see the results after incorporating Nanokarb depends on various factors such as the size of your foundry, the number of mold cycles you run, and how quickly the Nanokarb circulates in your system. However, typically our clients start noticing the difference in the improved surface finish and reduction in casting defects within a few cycles.

As for cost savings, they're realized in two ways - through direct raw material cost reduction and operational efficiency. The direct cost savings, due to the reduced consumption of coal dust and bentonite, should start to materialize as soon as Nanokarb gets integrated into your sand system and starts replacing these traditional additives.

Operational efficiency, which includes factors like reduced casting rejections and improved casting speed, might take a bit longer to quantify, but you should start noticing qualitative improvements in a few weeks.

Our AI-powered software will give you a more specific timeline based on the digital twin of your sand system. This way, we are not only able to give you an estimated timeline but also monitor the progress and make necessary adjustments.

Reverting back to your old additive mix is quite straightforward. Since Nanokarb is only a minor addition to your green sand mix (at just 0.075%), discontinuing its use will not drastically alter the characteristics of your mix. You can revert back to your previous levels of coal dust and bentonite.

However, given our unique machine learning-based software that provides clear deliverables and timelines, we're confident that Nanokarb will meet your expectations. In the unlikely event it doesn't, we'll work closely with you to understand any challenges and ensure a smooth transition back to your original process.

Remember, your success with Nanokarb is our success too, and we're committed to supporting your foundry operations every step of the way.

Absolutely, safety is a top priority in the foundry environment. It's important to note that Nanokarb is classified as non-hazardous and non-explosive, making it safer to handle and store compared to some conventional materials such as coal dust. Not only this, but since Nanokarb is used in smaller quantities, you'll notice a reduction in the total volume of materials you're handling. This leads to easier storage and safer, more efficient operations. Nanokarb's properties make it a practical and convenient addition to your process.
Absolutely, you can rely on the consistent and stable supply of Nanokarb. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility currently operates at just 20% of its 3000MT per month capacity. This provides us with ample room to increase production as the demand for Nanokarb grows. You can count on us to provide you with a reliable and steady supply of Nanokarb to meet your needs, no matter the scale of your operations.
Absolutely, your understanding is correct. By replacing traditional additives like coaldust/LCA with Nanokarb, we see a minimum of 50% reduction in CO2 emissions. This is a direct result of the reduced use of these traditional additives. Furthermore, Nanokarb, with less than 10% volatiles, ensures that the CO2 emissions are much lower than traditional additives. Nanokarb also adheres to stringent chemical safety standards, being free from Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) as per the EU's Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation. This means it doesn't contain any of the harmful chemicals that could harm the environment or human health in a substantial way. All these environmental benefits have been validated through comprehensive studies and trials audited by independent third-party environmental agencies. By choosing Nanokarb, foundries not only enhance their operational efficiency but significantly improve their environmental footprint and safety compliance.

While Nanokarb doesn't directly replace bentonite, it certainly enhances its performance leading to a reduction in the quantity required. By introducing Nanokarb into your green sand mixture, it increases the efficiency of bentonite use.

In terms of physical properties of your green sand, such as compactibility and permeability, the introduction of Nanokarb should have a positive impact. Nanokarb's high thermal stability supports the sand's compactibility and strength during casting, reducing the likelihood of defects. This stability is a result of its lower combustion compared to traditional carbon additives, which means the sand retains its integrity for longer periods, leading to consistent casting results.

Nanokarb also contributes to improved permeability. The decrease in bentonite use can help reduce issues linked to high clay content, like clogging or 'muddiness,' which can negatively impact permeability. This enhanced permeability allows gases to escape more efficiently, further reducing the potential for gas-related defects.

Therefore, the use of Nanokarb not only optimizes your bentonite consumption but also improves the overall performance and quality of your green sand, with the potential to enhance your casting output.

The addition of 0.075% Nanokarb to your green sand system should only enhance its performance over time, without causing any buildup or degradation issues. Nanokarb, being a carbonaceous additive, can integrate seamlessly with your existing sand system.

Unlike conventional carbon additives, Nanokarb doesn't combust in the same way, thereby reducing the accumulation of combustion products in your system. Instead, it aids in maintaining the green sand system's quality by enhancing the efficiency of other additives such as bentonite.

As Nanokarb is implemented, your foundry's active clay content should increase, reducing your need for new bentonite and coal dust additions. Standard controls for managing the dosages of conventional carbon additives and bentonite will still apply and effectively help manage the Nanokarb dosage.

Importantly, Nanokarb is made of carbon, and if any buildup occurs, it would be reflected in the LOI (Loss on Ignition) values. So, you can monitor the LOI to ensure the system's balance is maintained. Regular monitoring and minor adjustments, if necessary, should mitigate any long-term issues, ensuring the system's integrity is upheld, and performance benefits from Nanokarb are continually realized.

Nanokarb, supplied in a single universal grade worldwide, is designed to be compatible with all types of metals and casting processes. It performs consistently across different molding lines and metal grades, responding predictably to temperature and time rather than the specifics of the material or process. This uniformity and versatility make Nanokarb a reliable solution for any foundry, regardless of their specific operations.
Implementing Nanokarb in your green sand system is designed to be hassle-free. Most foundries will find they can use their existing equipment without any modifications. If your sand plant has an extra hopper, it can be utilized to dose Nanokarb. In the absence of an extra hopper, Nanokarb can be loaded alongside the existing coaldust into the coaldust/LCA hopper. We'll help with calculations to determine the correct ratio of coaldust to Nanokarb in the mixer, ensuring you maintain the right proportion. Rest assured, introducing Nanokarb does not require any new infrastructure additions or significant changes to your current processes. The Refcoat team is here to guide and assist every step of the way.
Even though the Sulphur content in Nanokarb is relatively higher, the total Sulphur introduced to your sand system is minuscule, at around 0.0015%. This is due to the low dosage rate of Nanokarb at 0.075%. Moreover, Nanokarb is designed to withstand high temperatures without significant degradation, which limits the release of Sulphur that could potentially interact with molten metal. Thus, the risk to the casting process, including the production of SG Iron, is significantly minimized.

We've heard our customers and have actively worked towards reducing the dustiness of Nanokarb. We've optimized the formulation of Nanokarb, resulting in an improved interaction with water and the sand matrix.

This alteration enhances the way Nanokarb binds with bentonite and the moisture present in the return sand. This improved binding results in a noticeable reduction in dustiness during the shakeout process.

While this change does not eliminate dust entirely, it significantly reduces the dustiness and brings it more in line with conventional additives like coaldust. This makes Nanokarb more user-friendly without compromising on its high performance.

It's important to note that we always recommend following standard dust management procedures and using personal protective equipment in foundry environments to ensure the safety and health of your workforce. We remain committed to continually improving Nanokarb and are always here to address any questions or concerns you may have.

That's a valid concern. Nanoparticles, due to their small size and high surface area, can pose potential health risks if not handled appropriately. However, we have designed Nanokarb with safety as a paramount concern. The nanoparticles in Nanokarb are embedded within a quasi-graphitic carbon matrix, not free-standing. This means they are not bioavailable and do not pose the same risks as free nanoparticles.

In addition, we've taken steps to reduce dustiness during the shakeout process, which also mitigates potential nanoparticle exposure. However, as a general rule in foundry environments, we always recommend the use of personal protective equipment and good hygiene practices to ensure worker safety. We continually strive to improve the safety and usability of Nanokarb and adhere to stringent regulatory standards.

Remember, Nanokarb is classified as non-hazardous and non-explosive, making it a safer alternative to traditional carbon additives, which often have explosive classifications.